Sarah's Speciality Cakes

Sarah's Adventures with Cakes…

My Husband turns 42!

on March 2, 2014

In the New Year my Husband, Deven, decided that he was no,longer going to eat wheat or dairy. He has been doing some reading on how these products can effect asthma, and being an asthmatic he though he would give it a go!
So – when it came to what to make him for a birthday cake I was a little unsure of what to do. Baking without dairy is a no brainer! Super easy! But I have not had the best track record with gluten free baking. Admittedly, I have not really ever put 100% into it but I have never had much of a reason to. Surprisingly it was much easier then I thought it would be.
I made a toasted almond, orange and coconut cake. It was delicious, moist and much enjoyed!
Happy Birthday honey!




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